Whether you are a seasoned mortgage broker or just starting your career as a loan officer, the key to success is “Qualified Leads”. A well designed mortgage flyer can play a vital role in generating cheap mortgage leads. But a mortgage flyer can only be useful if it stands out of the crowd. It’s not a matter of putting great house pictures and using flashy text.

Everything on the flyer should be well thought off and convey the message in the most simplest yet powerful manner. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance. It’s not something that one can just come up with in a flick of fingers. A designer need to have the patience to carefully plan flyer printing design to get the attention of prospective loan shoppers.

What makes an effective and successful mortgage flyer design? Here are a few of the factors that should be considered:

1) The first element to making a great flyer is that it should have a short, catch phrase. For example; Lowest Interest Rate? catches people’s attention. This Catch phrase should also be enlarged, bold, underlined, or any other technique to grab the passerby’s attention.

2) You got the attention now give them all the relevant info they need, but use as little words as possible. May be 3/4 bullet points? If people see the next line is too wordy, they’ll probably leave there and then.

3) Use a compelling picture or even pictures. Pictures can say a lot in just a little space and they make the flyer more visually pleasing.

4) Add contact information where people can go to find out more details.

5) And finally remember to keep your flyer design simple and short. People give very little attention to lengthy text. So make it easy for them to get your message fast. Don’t put too much elements that will only make them distracted.

If you need help designing your mortgage flyer, contact iReadySites.com


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