It seems like everyone has a website these days. But 99% of loan officer websites are not serving the purpose. Why? It’s not because they aren’t appealing or lack valuable information about you, your company and your products. It’s because setting up a website is just the beginning of the process. There is a lot needs to done after that and on a consistent basis. Here are few important tasks:
- First, you should place your web address on all of your promotional and marketing materials (visiting cards, writing pads, flyers, banners etc).
- Start a news letter at your site.
- Place a classified ad offering a free report. The prospect emails your autoresponder, and you start your follow-up series to them. Now in those follow-ups, you need to stress the value of visiting your website. Maybe it’s the helpful mortgage calculator. Maybe it’s the additional 3 reports they can download by visiting. You need to really promote your website through your autoresponder series.
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