Category: Mortgage Landing Page
What is a mortgage landing page
In the context of online marketing, a mortgage landing page is a web page, build specifically to receive and convert traffic from a marketing or advertising campaign. Unlike other web pages such as your website home page, which typically have many goals and encourage exploration, mortgage landing pages are created to achieve a single objective.…
How To Keep Up To Date on Mortgage Website Technologies
The internet is rapidly evolving, getting bigger and smarter every day. More than just its infrastructure, everything about it is in a state of continuous change. More people joining it every day, new technologies coming up, it has become a global network of people, computers and other machines that is beginning to mediate all human…
5 Key Elements of a Lead Generating Mortgage Landing Page
Have you ever created a landing page to capture mortgage leads? If so, were you satisfied with the conversion rate? As you know, the primary goal of a mortgage landing page is to collect valuable information about your potential clients. Once a person arrives at your page, the copy and design of the landing page are the most…